The petrol used to well cheap in Newcastle as that is where the tankers used to dock. Now it's any ones guess as to which town has the best prices. I don't even check prices any more, I just roll up, fill up. pay and go!!!
We are a little better off when it comes to comparing prices with main land Europe. In some cases where a country has cheaper petrol over there, they also have extortionately priced DERV/diesel so it balances the books.
I went to Saudi Arabia last year and when I caught a taxi to go site seeing, he stopped at the filling station. When he was done I asked how much it costs to fill a tank up, he told me it was 50 Riyal for 70 litres!!! £1 was 6.3 Riyal at the time (well under a tenner!!!!)
I told him that in England, 70 litres costs around £85!!!!
He did not understand.
I then went on to explain that 70 litres costs over 500 Riyals!!!
He could not stop laughing all the way back to the Hotel
When I got out and paid him, he told me that the British were better off riding bikes

On the other hand, a small 500ml bottle of mineral water costs 1 Riyal over there which is a lot more then the petrol!!!
Gordon Brown and the rest of the clowns in Parliament are always saying that the price of a barrel is too high, the fact of the matter is that they have got US over a barrel and we take it like good little joeys should!!!